Human Talent Academy

Facilitating the transformation of education

Live your dreams

Discover your talents

Release your potential

Find your destiny

Our world is changing. Our children are changing. Our systems need change. The Human Talents Academy (Learning by heart program) redefines our learning goals and facilitates the transformation process based on connection and creation.

Our transformation program consists of 6 basic pillars:

1. Goals

Redefine learning & institute goals (together with the client)

If we want to consider our purpose of learning we have to consider our purpose of life; to find out who we really are; to discover our dreams and talents; to release our potential; to contribute to the world by our specific talents and competences and being appreciated for it. To find our destiny and experience life fulfillment. Together with institutes and companies we redefine learning goals based on the above mentioned principles.

2. Learn

How do we learn?

New learning is about customizing to individual circumstances and personalizing education to the people you’re actually teaching.

If we want to learn about adaptive learning and teaching we need to learn about the learning process. Learning is all about sharing. So, how do I present my message in such a way it becomes a joy to receive it?

Learning is supported by four pillars:

  • A scientific process (neurologic)
  • A mental process (to adapt to our own way of learning)
  • Learning per life phase
  • The environment

The scientifical prove that our way of learning is passion driven which leads to sincere attention and adaption.

3. Change fear

Don’t fear change; change fear

With every decision or dilemma we have two choices: fear or trust (confidence ).

The old systems fear change.

We want to change fear.

4. Environment

Facilitating Leadership Program / Safe & Inspiring Environment

To release the human potential we have to optimize the learning environment by turning the hierarchical pyramid 180 degrees into facilitating leadership. And secondly we have to optimize the inspiring atmosphere of the environment which stimulates learning. Which leads to organic connection, creation and growth.

Bottom up thinking and acting in leadership which leads to transparency, releasing connected potential and creation.

5. Re-connecting program

Re-connecting program

In an impulse driven society which fears change it is hard to stay connected with yourself and others. The (re-)connecting program helps to connect with our inner navigation (heart and intuition) and from this pure source to connect with others. Which leads to powerful co-creation.

6. Creation & Co-creation program

Creation & Co-creation program

The Creation Process consists of a natural flow of 12 phases; inspired by The Creation Spiral of Marinus Knoope. It is the natural path which leads from the wish, the dream to reality.

The most important courage and skills we need is to be able to discover our wishes, our life goals. We are predestined to live our dreams. Our dreams are our inner navigation to find our destiny to contribute as  (co-)creators and to be appreciated for it. The creation program supplies simple and practical learning modules to educate and learn to apply the creation process.

‘Wishes are pre-feelings that tell you about what you are able to create’

‘Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive. And than do that. Because what the world needs, is people who have come alive.’
Howard Thurman (1899-1981)

‘What the world needs is teachers, trainers and coaches to help children to come alive. We are predestined to live our dreams, to find out who we really are. To be connected with ourselves and others in a pure and creative way. To contribute to our world by our own specific talents and competences and being appreciated for it. To reach our destiny and life fulfillment’
Chantal Trigallez, Human Talents Academy

The intention of The Human Talents Academy (and the Learning by heart program) is to accelerate the transformation process in education to co-create a more human, loving World.

We passionately contribute to the transformation process by:

  • Redefining learning goals (together with institutes & companies)
  • Learning programs; facilitating leadership program; (re-)connection program & (co-)creation program
  • Seminars, lectures, training & coaching

Our programs are internationally implemented and tested over the last five years with marvellous results.


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